Reno Otolaryngologist Delivers Balloon Sinuplasty Recovery Guide

Dr. Stacey Hudson Provides an Alternative to Traditional Sinus Surgery

RENO, NV--(Marketwire - Mar 7, 2013) - Dr. Stacey Hudson, a Reno otolaryngologist (ENT), is utilizing a new treatment technique for patients in need of sinus surgery. Patients suffering from sinusitis, a condition affecting approximately 29.8 million Americans each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), now have the option of Balloon Sinuplasty to reopen their blocked nasal passages. At Advanced Otolaryngology Associates, his private practice, Dr. Hudson uses this system of FDA cleared, catheter based instruments to provide his patients with sinus relief.

Since the symptoms of the common cold and seasonal allergies are largely identical to the symptoms of sinusitis, many patients are unaware they are suffering from the condition. These symptoms include:

  • Sore throat
  • Blocked nasal passages
  • Lost sense of smell and taste
  • Pressure in eyes and ears

According to Dr. Hudson, this outpatient procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. However, Balloon Sinuplasty can be performed in the office under local anesthesia. Compared to traditional forms of endoscopic sinus surgery which involve drills, small incisions and the removal of tissue, Balloon Sinuplasty is minimally invasive and does not require an incision. Patients of Balloon Sinuplasty experience:

  • Dramatic, instant improvement in nasal airflow
  • A minimal amount of pain that requires less than two days worth of pain medication
  • A faster surgery compared to traditional methods of sinus surgery
  • Significantly reduced recovery time

"Because Balloon Sinuplasty treats the problem directly without incisions under a local anesthetic, patients can go back to work sooner and experience much less pain after the procedure," Dr. Hudson says.

Dr. Hudson notes that many patients are able to return immediately to their normal activities, while nearly all patients fully recover within a day or two. Most patients feel the condition improve significantly as soon as the surgery is completed, as the surgery reopens blocked nasal passages to relieve sinus pressure and pain. At Advanced Otolaryngology Associates, his Reno ENT practice, Dr. Hudson offers in-house balloon sinus surgery and is currently the only practice in Northern Nevada to do so.

About Stacey Hudson, MD

Dr. Stacey Hudson, a board-certified otolaryngologist, is a graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno. He earned his medical degree from the University of Nevada School of Medicine before completing his internship and residency training at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery (ENT). Dr. Hudson serves as the Chief of Surgery at South Meadows Medical Center and is a member of the American Academy of Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery as well as a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He is available for interview upon request.

Contact Information:

Advanced Otolaryngology Associates
6630 So. McCarran Blvd. #A12
Reno, NV 89509
(775) 852-3624


dr stacey hudson,reno otolaryngologist